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This is Trinity, come in.
My name is Trinity.I am the current leader of "The Pack" which is a neutral fighting company within the Barony of Western Gate which is a part of amtgard. Amtgard is a nonprofit,action roleplaying, midevil reenactment, fantasy club. The Pack consists of ten members currently. We elect new members with a majority vote as do we elect our first and second in command.

What I am doing.....
with The Pack, well I got the award and initiate systems through the vote. We also held our champions tourney Chastity won. My new goals are not just for the Pack I am now the G.M. of monks in Western Gate, and G.M. of drama.

What the Pack thinks!
The Pack as stated before is neutral, although we tend to side with the Barony. When the original five members of the pack created this company they did so because no one else wanted to help the new guys. Well about a month later after a lot of fighting and a quest for a magic bow, we started to finally get some respect. Now a few months later a lot stronger we are starting to get more members. The Pack sees all other fighting companies with due respect. We also are among the most honorable on the field. We don't hide behind big armor,big shields, or big numbers we just stick together, and use our heads to do what we need to.

Where are
you from:
Game Name if one:

The Baroney of Western Gate
This is where the rest of the Pack ,and I reside.
Send me email